Sulfides [60]

Antimony, barite. Druse large columnar and needle-like crystals of stibnite with large yellowish-whit...

Stibnite. Fine disseminated disseminated stibnite in a dark gray slate fillitovidnom.

Stibnite. Drain antimonite grained unit with a crust of secondary minerals.

Stibnite. Druse fine columnar crystals of stibnite on barite-quartz rock.

Stibnite. Druse large columnar and needle-like crystals of stibnite, overgrown with small quartz crys...

Arsenopyrite, Dana. The unit prismatic korotkostolbchatyh and columnar crystals.

Arsenopyrite, Dana. The unit is crystal-grained arsenopyrite and danaita.

Orpiment, realgar. Veinlets and disseminated in a dark gray siltstone fragmented.

Orpiment, realgar. Veinlets and disseminated in a dark gray siltstone fragmented.

Orpiment. Bright yellow scattered isolation and homogeneous unit up to 6 cm in dark gray with thin st...

Orpiment. Cleavage furrows on coarse bright yellow orpiment.

Orpiment. Cleavage furrows on coarse orpiment.

Orpiment. Dig unit spine of bright yellow crystals of orpiment a dark gray siltstone.

Berthierite. Srednekristallichesky unit.

Betehtenit. Bunchy splice black needles. Rare mineral.

Galena, sphalerite. Dark gray, massive, fine-grained lead-zinc ore, with fine inclusions of chalcopyr...

Galena, sphalerite. Lead-zinc ore rich. Gray, fine-grained.

Galena-chalcopyrite-calcite Druze.

Galena. Solid melkozernity unit (galena) with melkostupenchatym fracture. Ore polished.

galena Lead ore, coarse.

Galena. Druse cuboctahedral galena crystals.

Galena. Giant-crystalline aggregate.

Goethite. The unit plugs black needle-like crystals of goethite on calcite crystals in association wi...

Getchelit (AsSbS3). Thick, bright red highlight.

Getchellit. Bright orange-red with a pearly grains in calcite veinlets in the carbonaceous shale.

Getchellit. Broken disseminated brownish-red color in the gray antimony-fluorite rock. Accumulations...

Getchellit. Thick splashes of bold orange-red pearly grains in calcite-shale breccia

Cinnabar. Rhombohedral crystals of cinnabar in the quartz-calcite friends.

Cinnabar. The veins of cinnabar in a light gray fractured limestone.

Cinnabar. Disseminated fine-grained red cinnabar in a light gray carbonate breccia

Cinnabar. Kristalllicheski-grained disseminations bright red cinnabar in a light gray carbonate brecc...

Cinnabar. Kristalllicheski-grained disseminations bright red cinnabar in a light gray carbonate brecc...

Cinnabar Phenocrysts crystal-grained bright red cinnabar in the fractured limestone, black and white...

Cinnabar. Phenocrysts crystal-grained bright red cinnabar in the fractured limestone, black and white...

Cinnabar. Phenocrysts crystal-grained red cinnabar carbonate breccias in black and white.

Kleyofan, galena. Brush kleyofana and galena crystals.

Kleyofan. Splice sphalerite crystals (kleyofana) on a small plate of biotite unit covering the cracks...

Kuban. Druze of crystals on the needle cubanite cast.

Marcasite. Fine-grained aggregate in a fragment of the nodules.

Pyrite-calcite aggregate. With an admixture of mica and chlorite.

Pyrite. Bright shiny speckled pyrite-calcite-breed unit.

Pyrite. Prozhilkovataya medium-grained disseminations in epidozit-calcite formation.

Pyrite. Piece of crystal with a fig-set solution in the form of triangles.

Pyrite. The cubic pyrite crystals with smooth edges and with concretions of small crystals in it.

pyrite Metacrysts cubic pyrite (0.1-0.5 cm) in black carbonaceous chert. Polished plate

Pyrite. Concretion sulfidized. Polished ore.

Pyrite. Concretion sulfidized. Polished ore.

Pyrite. Quartz-sulfide veins. Ore pripolirovanny.

Pyrrhotite. Extract with three crystal faces.

Пирротин. Сульфидный, сливной преимущественно пирротиновый агрегат. Керн полированный.

Pyrrhotite. Large prismatic crystal of pyrrhotite.

Polymetallic ore. Polished plate.

blende With quartz, Druze of crystals of sphalerite with accrued on these aggregates of quartz.

blende Brown-brown, massive, medium-grained unit with small pockets of galena and obohrennymi calcite...

Sphalerite. Splice tetrahedral crystals of sphalerite.

Sphalerite. Druse tetrahedral black sphalerite crystals.

Sphalerite. Druse tetrahedral crystals of sphalerite.

Sphalerite. Druse tetrahedral crystals of sphalerite with quartz crystals.

Chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite. Thick solid mass of fine-grained chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite with nests. Polis...